Editor’s note: The weekly “Prior Lake in the Past” column contains summary excerpts of news items published in the Prior Lake American during the same week 60, 40 and 20 years ago. We hope our readers enjoy remembering those who are mentioned from years past, and this feature provides historical perspective about how much the community has changed over the decades.
Prior Lake American
Published 60 years ago
Feb. 16, 1965
The Prior Lake Fire Department was called to the Merlin Biever home on Pleasant Street at 4:15 p.m. last Thursday when a wastebasket fire started and spread to the kitchen alcove. The blaze was confined to the alcove with only minor damage to the walls.
Three Bluebird and three Camp Fire groups were busily preparing for the fourth annual Father-Daughter box supper planned for Feb. 24, at the high school lunchroom from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

Cheri Henle entertained seven girls at a slumber party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Henle on Friday night. The girls were Cindy Klingberg, Maradee Bjorge, Jean Garvey, Mary Ellen Cikanek, Kathy McNeil, Susan Latske and Stacy Brantl.
Published 40 years ago
Feb. 18, 1985

Minnesota Attorney General Hubert Humphrey III announced that no new criminal charges would be filed against any of the former defendants connected with the Scott County child sex abuse investigation. Humphrey said authorities believed at least 16 of the 40 alleged victims were sexually abused, but it would be impossible to prove in court who abused them.
Prior Lake Senior High School Principal Fred Blaisdell announced that four senior students – Jean Schmitz, Kristin Milbrath, Marcus Keel and Paula Waschbusch – were named National Merit Scholarship finalists.
Approval of a $977,938 street overlay project in the Green Heights, Willows and Ridgemont Avenue areas left a number of residents grumbling at the Prior Lake City Council meeting. Council members unanimously approved the project after fielding comments from several of the 40 to 50 residents who were at the meeting. The majority stated costs were too high, particularly in the Willows area, and the conditions of the roads did not warrant such work.

City Finance Director Ralph Teschner shared his ongoing frustrations with the city’s water billing cycle during that week’s council meeting. He said his department regularly received hundreds of calls from residents who questioned the accuracy of their bill or their water meters. Residents were required to report meter readings to the city, which Teschner estimated were incorrect around 30 percent of the time. He suggested the city hire a full-time meter reader at a cost of $25,000 per year, or using a postcard that could be sent to residents asking that they read their meter and return the card within 10 days. Annual postage costs for the latter were estimated at $2,500 to $5,000. Most council members were not in favor of changing from the current system, and the issue was tabled.
Published 20 years ago
Feb. 19, 2005
Prior Lake Police Chief Bill O’Rourke announced that three new officers began training with the local department. They included Myly McBride, David Honican and Andrew Reyer.
Residents of Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools voted yes to two bond referendum questions, giving approval to $67 million worth of new and improved facilities.
Lakers sophomore Bryan Boe finished eighth in the overall pursuit race at the Section 1 championships in Cable, Wisc. on Feb. 10 to claim his first-ever state berth in Nordic skiing.