Cleary Lake Regional Park will host a “Golden Treasure Nature Quest” on Wednesday, March 5, from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Participants will search for gold (pinecones) and green (evergreens) during the family-friendly walk through the forest. Each golden pinecone on found on the trail will contain facts to identify the different evergreens and reveal the role each plays in the forest.
Following the quest, attendees will go on a “story stroll” and visit the Scott County Readmobile library on wheels. The program will finish with hot cocoa and the reading of “Why Evergreens Keep Their Leaves.”
The program is free and open to all ages. Children age 11 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
Cleary Lake Park is located at 18106 Texas Ave., Prior Lake, and is operated by the Three Rivers Park District. For more information on park events, go to: