The Torres-Pena musical group will share the traditional music of Mexico as part of the “Wednesday Night Live” series that continues on March 12.
Pedro Torres and Donna Peña play traditional music of Mexico. Torres is from Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico and plays several traditional styles from Mariachi to Boleros. Peña is from St. Paul and is known nationally for her musical compositions that embrace the spirit of Mexican tradition with American Folk. Together they play a varied program of old Mexican traditional songs, along with songs taken from Mexican pop and music halls, love songs and adaptions of American Pop.
The performance will run from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and is open to all ages, free of charge. No registration is required. The performance will be held in Club Prior, located within the Prior Lake Public Library, 16210 Eagle Creek Ave. in downtown Prior Lake. The “Wednesday Night Live” series is sponsored by the City of Prior Lake and Scott County Library.
The Czech Area Concertina Club is scheduled to play as part of the series on April 9.