The goal of the Prior Lake News Compass is to be a trustworthy source for local news.
We’ve listened to hundreds of local residents in recent months express how much they miss their local newspaper. For many, they had difficulty finding coverage on recent elections, community events, city and school meetings, high school activities, information about those who passed away, along with advertising that stimulated support for our businesses.
Eight area residents have banded together in recent months to address the critical need to bring community news back to Prior Lake. None of us is a newcomer to the city — collectively, we have lived here for centuries (literally!), and all are proud to call the Prior Lake area home. Our group began meeting in June to explore options.
We’ve answered many questions posed by community members. Some were disappointed to learn our only option was to produce a digital product since publishing a traditional print newspaper would be cost-prohibitive. Residents said they were frustrated that much of what is found on social media is not news. Too often, they said, it is a source for misinformation that spreads rapidly, goes unchecked and promotes division among neighbors.
Our primary goal became one of producing local news supported by objective reporting that would be available to everyone free of charge. The content produced in this newsletter is the first step in Prior Lake News Compass fulfilling that mission to be an independent, unbiased and reliable news source that will help foster a community that is informed, engaged and connected.
Please share this email with friends and neighbors so they, too, can sign up to receive the newsletter that will contain top stories, a local event listing and obituaries. Our website, www.plnewscompass.org, will be updated regularly, contain much more information and is also accessible at no charge to readers.
Volunteer-led community news organizations may represent a new concept to many, but the need for such efforts continues to grow. Similar operations that launched years ago estimate a minimum of $150,000 must be raised annually in order to stay in business. Prior Lake News Compass will operate as a nonprofit corporation that can only survive through tax-deductible reader donations, advertising from local businesses and foundation/organization grants. Board members serve as volunteers. There is no private ownership. Prior Lake News Compass has been launched for the community with the intention other volunteers will carry on our mission in the future.
We express our sincere thanks to those who have already made contributions to help fund startup and recurring costs. One attendee at a large community meeting asked how much we will ask readers to contribute. While all voluntary donations are appreciated, we are following the lead of similar nonprofit news organizations who suggest $100 per household every year. We also recognize not everyone has the ability to give this amount.
Contributions can be made via credit card through the “Donate” button found on this page. Checks can also be sent to: Prior Lake News Compass, PO Box 75, Prior Lake, MN 55372.
Ongoing financial support will always be needed to cover technology fees, traditional business expenses and several paid staff members who have professional journalism and advertising sales experience. We ask that you consider supporting this important community initiative.
Thank you for taking the first step in learning more about Prior Lake News Compass. Our focus will be on providing trustworthy news and information for Prior Lake residents. We invite you to provide your feedback in the future to ensure we meet that commitment.
Connie Carlson, Randy Geister, Laurie Hartmann, Michelle Jirik, Lois Kocon,
Larry Muelken, Susie Muelken, Lynne Silva-Breen
Founding Board of Directors
Prior Lake News Compass, PO Box 75, Prior Lake, MN 55372
Email: info@plnewscompass.org