The founders of the Prior Lake News Compass made a commitment to readers that obituary information pertaining to local residents will be included in our digital publication.
We’ve received numerous emails and comments asking when that will happen. Many expressed concern that they were not made aware of someone’s passing until after the services had been held. Here is just one comment received from a reader in recent weeks: “I am so happy to be a subscriber of the PL News Compass. I have missed having a hometown newspaper. I am hoping that you will soon be adding obituaries to this publication. It has been very disconcerting not to know what community members have passed away in the last many months. Please consider an obituary section. Thank you!!”
We are very willing to provide this service and have reached out to area funeral homes requesting that they send us information about those who have recently passed away, along with a photograph. We will publish the information in a timely manner upon receipt for a nominal processing fee.
If a family member or friend has died, please request that this information be sent to the Prior Lake News Compass. Our email address is: