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Informed. Engaged. Connected.

Prior Lake News Compass

Prior Lake News Compass

Informed. Engaged. Connected.

Prior Lake News Compass


Editorial Independence Policy

The Prior Lake News Compass subscribes to standards of editorial independence and retains full authority over editorial content to protect the best journalistic and business interests of our organization. We maintain a firewall between news coverage decisions and sources of all revenue. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of donors or their products, services, beliefs, or opinions.

We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals and organizations for the general support of our activities, but our news judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor or sponsor support.

Our organization may consider donations to support the coverage of particular topics, but our organization maintains editorial control of the coverage decisions. We will cede no right of review or influence of editorial content, nor of unauthorized distribution of editorial content.

Our organization will make public all donors who give a total of $5,000 or more per year. We will accept anonymous donations for general support only if it is clear that sufficient safeguards have been put into place that the expenditure of that donation is made independently by our organization.

Our editorial mission requires that our content be factual and not misleading to readers. We will review content accordingly. On occasion we receive third-party content (i.e., prose, ad copy and/or ad images) that, although well-intentioned, may not be consistent with our editorial standards. In such instances we must reserve the right to request revised copy or decline to publish the submitted materials.

Donor Transparency Policy

The Prior Lake News Compass is committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization.

Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions.

We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operations, coverage of specific topics, and special projects. As a nonprofit with 501(c)3 status, we operate as a public trust and do not pay certain taxes.  We may receive funds from standard government programs offered to nonprofits or similar businesses.

Our news judgments are made independently – not based on or influenced by donors or any revenue source. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content.

We make public all revenue sources and donors who give $5,000 or more per year. As a news nonprofit, we will avoid accepting charitable donations from anonymous sources, political parties, elected officials or candidates seeking public office. We will not accept donations from sources who, deemed by our governing board, present a conflict of interest with our work or compromise our independence.

Corrections Policy

Accuracy is one of the hallmarks of Prior Lake News Compass. Editors will review each story before publishing. If a substantive error is identified after a story is published, we will correct the text and place a note at the top of the story letting readers know about the correction. This procedure also will be used if we clarify a confusing or misleading story. Minor errors in spelling, grammar and style will be fixed without a note attached to the story.

Advertising and Submissions Policy

The Prior Lake News Compass reserves the right to accept or decline any advertisement or submission of content it is offered.

Prior Lake News Compass will decline to accept advertising that it knows or believes to be misleading, inaccurate, fraudulent or illegal, or that fails to comply, in its sole discretion, with its standards of decency, taste or dignity.

Prior Lake News Compass, like all quality publishers of original journalism, maintains a clear separation between news and advertising content. Advertising that attempts to blur this distinction in a manner that, in its sole judgment, confuses readers, will be rejected.

The mission of the Prior Lake News Compass is to provide factual news and information about the local community. Letters to the editor and commentary columns are not accepted for publication.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Prior Lake News Compass  depends upon the active participation of its Board of Directors, volunteer contributors, advisory board members, financial advisers, legal counsel or and employees who donate their time and talents for the benefit of the community and/or participate in making decisions on behalf of the nonprofit organization.

We recognize that most of these individuals are active in the community and actual or perceived Conflicts of Interest (COIs) may occur as a result of these varied involvements. This policy on COI has been adopted to ensure that COIs are handled appropriately.


  • Contract or Transaction: any agreement or relationship involving the sale or purchase of goods, services, or rights of any kind, the providing or receipt of a grant or loan, or the establishment of any other type of pecuniary relationship with Prior Lake News Compass.
  • Family Member: a Director’s spouse, parent, child, or sibling; or the spouse of any of the foregoing.
  • Material Financial Interest: a financial interest of any kind which, in view of all the circumstances, is substantial enough that a reasonable person would conclude the interest would affect an individual’s ability to act in the best interest of the Prior Lake News Compass.

– Conflict of Interest or Conflict:  a COI exists when there is an actual or proposed Contract or Financial Transaction between the Prior Lake News Compass and

  1. a Director, staff member or family member, or
  2. an entity in which a Director, staff member or family member has a material financial interest or of which such person is a compensated or uncompensated director, officer, employee, agent, partner, associate, trustee, personal representative, receiver, guardian, custodian, conservator or other legal representative.

Circumstances in which actual or perceived COI may arise include, but are not limited to:

 – Hiring of employees, vendors and consultants,

 – Media coverage of a business,

 – Investment and management of Prior Lake News Compass funds.

A broad view of conflicts and board/staff will be urged to think of how a situation/transaction would appear to outside parties when identifying conflicts or possible conflicts of interest.


The following procedures will be used to address COI:

– Directors and staff will promptly disclose all potential or actual COI to the Board of Directors.

– The minutes of the Board meeting shall show that a Director had a COI disclosed this fact and either removed himself/herself from further discussion of the issue and abstained from voting on the matter. In the event the majority of board members perceive the COI to be detrimental to the credibility of Prior Lake News Compass, that person may be asked to resign or will be removed from future duties.

– A copy of this policy shall be furnished annually to each person on the Board or Staff. Each person will be asked to review the policy and acknowledge in writing that he or she has done so, and acknowledge potential conflicts of interest.

This policy shall be administered by the Board of Directors, which shall be responsible for the following:

– Reviewing reports regarding the COI disclosures.

– Receiving disclosures of potential COI.

– Reviewing proposed Contracts and Transactions in compliance with standards described in this policy.

– Maintaining minutes and such other documentation as may be necessary and appropriate.

– Reviewing the operation of this policy and making changes from time to time as it may deem needed.

Should a new potential conflict of interest arise at any time throughout the year, persons affiliated with the operations of the Prior Lake News Compass must immediately notify the Board of Directors about the circumstances so discussion and appropriate actions can be addressed in a timely manner.