Editor’s note: The News Compass features nominated residents as Everyday Heroes in an ongoing series. To nominate someone you know in the community that goes above and beyond to make Prior Lake a better place, send us their name and the reason you are nominating them to info@plnewscompass.org.
If you’ve visited the Prior Lake Library during afternoon hours in the past year, chances are you’ve met Holly Auringer, a young woman with a huge smile and perky personality.
Auringer is an adult with special needs, and being a volunteer at the library has been filled with new learning opportunities and friendships. For her, it’s been an extension of what she’s always enjoyed doing since it involves helping others.
“It’s fun helping out other people,” Auringer said. “There’s always someone to help me if I need it. Everyone here is super nice.”
An added bonus to her volunteer role has been improving her organizational and reading skills attained through making certain items are in the correct order when returned to shelves.

“Holly is a tremendous help in keeping books organized and in the appropriate place,” said Liz Aaron, Prior Lake librarian. “She is such a great help to all of our staff.”

Auringer, 38, also works at Lowe’s Home Improvement in Shakopee and has helped with children’s activities offered through the Prior Lake Parks and Recreation program during summer months.
She has lived independently in her apartment for the past nine years. Friends in her building get together nightly for meals, work together on crafts, watch television or just hang out. Her parents, Dave and Marti, have daily check-ins or visits with her. Living nearby are her sister and brother-in-law, Heidi and Andrew, and their two young children, all of whom are important to Holly.

“I have very nice parents,” Holly said. “They love me very much.”
She is not shy, nor is she timid about stepping in when needed. Holly recalled a recent incident when the family was attending a hockey game. She saw an elderly person who was having difficulty getting down the bleacher stairs. She said she went over to offer her assistance, which the person greatly appreciated.
“Holly has never left her disabilities get in the way of anything,” according to her mom. “Her focus has always been more so on her abilities, rather than disabilities. She understands her limitations and let’s nothing stand in her way.”